There are many auto insurance companies advertising low cost coverage. Beware: saving on your premium could cost you if you are involved in an accident. Your LegalShield provider law firm can help review your policy to make sure you understand your coverage and the fine print details.
It is vital that you understand the different types of coverage available.
•Liability coverage protects against injuries and damage you may cause to other people and their property.
•Comprehensive policies cover damage due to something that is out of your control and not the fault of another driver. This may include fire, severe weather damage and accidents involving animals. It is also known as “other-than-collision” coverage.
•Collision coverage insures for repairs or the replacement of your vehicle when it is damaged in an accident for which you were at fault.
•Gap insurance covers the difference between what your car is worth and the amount you still owe on a loan or lease in the event your vehicle is totaled in an accident.
Car insurance companies offer low rate insurance because they limit or exclude certain coverage.
Beware of these types of exclusions.
•Increased deductibles are the most frequent means of
lowering premiums. Make sure your standard deductible is something you can realistically afford without breaking the bank.
•Decreasing your levels of coverage to the legal minimum may put you at risk. A major accident could be far more expensive than what the minimum coverage will allow. Make sure you fully understand what your policy covers and the potential medical and legal expenses you could be responsible for if your accident costs exceed coverage limits.
•Beware of driver exclusions in non-standard car insurance policies. Some of the policies decrease or limit coverage for younger or at-risk drivers.
•Step-down provisions may drop coverage to the legal minimums for permissive drivers. Permissive drivers are individuals who may borrow your vehicle for occasional use, with permission.
•Certain non-standard policies limit the number of miles you can drive in a year.
If you need assistance translating the fine print of your insurance policy or dealing with a claim, call
your LegalShield provider law firm today.
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