Monday, January 14, 2013

Hit-and-Run Accidents

Hit-and-Run Accidents:
What Victims NEED to Know

Hit-and-run accidents leave victims feeling helpless. What can the police do? What will insurance cover? These tips are designed to help you in the aftermath of a hit-and-run auto accident. If you have been involved in any type of auto accident call your LegalShield provider law firm today.
  • Do not chase the other driver. It may be tempting to follow the other driver, but anyone willing to flee the scene of an accident may be dangerous.
  • Call the police. Filing a police report is extremely important. Even if you have very little information about the other driver, a police report will be necessary for any insurance claim or legal action.
  • Gather as much information as you can at the scene. If you can only remember one piece of information make it the other driver’s license plate number. Knowing the make and model of the car will also be helpful. Take note of the location and circumstances of the accident as well as where the other driver was coming from. Write everything you can remember down and take pictures at the scene if at all possible. Also gather contact information from any witnesses.
  • File an insurance claim. If the other driver is identified, the police or your insurance company may obtain their insurance information. It is important to file a claim with their insurance company as soon as possible.
  • Understand your coverage. Do you have uninsured motorist coverage? Some states and provinces make purchasing this type of coverage mandatory. Without adequate coverage you may end up footing the bill for car repairs and medical expenses. Talk to your LegalShield provider law firm about the laws where you live and make sure you are adequately covered.
  • Do not sign a settlement agreement or accept payments from an insurance company without first speaking with your LegalShield provider attorney.

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